Participate Project

Closure Activity:

Day 10: Reflect and Assess (1 hour)

• Students can reflect in an email to their ePal or as a journal entry: Every culture in the world celebrates.
  • How are the traditions and practices that surround your favorite holiday different from the holiday that you researched?
  • How are they similar?
  • What was the most fascinating or surprising thing that you learned while studying holidays and festivals?
• Students will write a reflection in their journal. Some prompts include:
  • How do you feel about your final product?
  • What was the hardest part of this project?
  • What was the easiest part for you?
  • What did you enjoy the most?
  • What have you learned about different holidays?
  • Would you like to do another project using ePals?

Extension/Early Finishers:

  • If possible, Skype with ePal.
  • Students can create a poster or Glog to represent the information gathered in research

Last Updated: January 30, 2010